I've compiled some thoughts about both what I'd like to see out of next week's WWDC keynote, as well as what I think is plausible, likely, and definite.
My name is Jake Marsh.
I'm a developer,
designer, and writer.
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I've compiled some thoughts about both what I'd like to see out of next week's WWDC keynote, as well as what I think is plausible, likely, and definite.
I've been really loving Github's new Atom editor.
I've also been blown away by the number of packages that have already been published only a few days after the project went public.
Like most developers, I often like to crank the music while writing code. My music service of choice (at the moment at least) is Spotify.
I like to listen to random playlists or Spotify app services like Soundrop in an effort to expose myself to lots of new music.
This means I frequently find myself hitting ⌘+Tab
to bring Spotify to the foreground and glance at the artist or track name.
This felt silly, so I wrote a little Atom package to show me this info in Atom's status bar.
If you're an Atom user, you can install the package in your Settings or by simply running this command:
apm install atom-spotify
The package lives right here, and the source code is over here.
Happy listening! (and coding) ♫
This makes so much sense.
The idea isn't neccesarily brand-new, (here's an article from back in 2009), but seeing it illustrated as clearly and beautifully as Evan has done here is eye opening.
Yep, after years of living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, I'm finally making the trek out west to live in the Bay Area.
Thankfully, I won't be making that trek alone. My lovely other half and I signed a lease on an awesome house late last week.
I also owe a ton of thanks to all my friends who have been super helpful throughout this whole crazy process.
I'm excited, scared, and ready.
Let's do this!
Had a great time talking with @ashfurrow on his wonderful iOS podcast, Springboard.
I give some advice to those wishing to get started building iOS apps, and tell some behind the scenes stories of building Conditions for iOS. There's even a hilarious @gruber anecdote in there, Give it a listen!
I'm extremely happy to announce that my all-new minimalistic weather app, Conditions for iOS, is now live on the App Store!
The guys at Github have been rocking some awesome Objective-C open-source stuff lately, and their latest release, Mantle, does not disappoint.
I often find myself needing to create what I call "static content" UITableViewControllers
. Whether it be a "Support" or "About" screen, or possibly a simple "Login" or "Settings" screen, I find myself writing a ton of annoying, repetitive, boilerplate code for these types of screens all the time.
What's a guy to do? Enter: JMStaticContentTableViewController