I've been really loving Github's new Atom editor.
I've also been blown away by the number of packages that have already been published only a few days after the project went public.
Like most developers, I often like to crank the music while writing code. My music service of choice (at the moment at least) is Spotify.
I like to listen to random playlists or Spotify app services like Soundrop in an effort to expose myself to lots of new music.
This means I frequently find myself hitting ⌘+Tab
to bring Spotify to the foreground and glance at the artist or track name.
This felt silly, so I wrote a little Atom package to show me this info in Atom's status bar.
If you're an Atom user, you can install the package in your Settings or by simply running this command:
apm install atom-spotify
The package lives right here, and the source code is over here.
Happy listening! (and coding) ♫