Welcome to Deallocated Objects. This is where I'm writing now. I would like to start writing more, so I've decided to do that here from now on.
[oldBlog release];
JMBlog *newBlog = [[JMBlog alloc] initWithAwesomeLevel:JMAwesomeLevelLegendary];
I've had a website or blog since 1998
Why Stop Now?
Every few years or so I say "I'm going to start blogging again." and then spend a wealth of time building a great set of code and templates, and designs, etc. to do so and then never seem to keep up with it.
Well, 17th (or so) time's a charm and here's my latest creation. Deallocated Objects
will be a stream of my consciousness about Mac, iPhone & iPad application development, interface design, and interaction design. Along the way I'll post code snippets, walk-throughs, as well as tips and tricks on building awesome stuff.
I'll also likely be re-coding this blog in the near future. So there will likely be a series on that process. I wanted to wait until I completed my full vision for this blog before going public, but I've been dying to have a clean place to post this types of things for a long time. I've given tumblr
a fair shot and its great for somethings, but for what I want to do it just isn't going to cut it. Right now this site is running on wordpress
simply because I wanted something up quickly that I didn't have to think about too much. In the future, however, my plans are to write a custom system with a Rails 3
backend and... wait for it... an Objective-J/Cappuccino
front-end. That's right. I'm going to write my website in Cappuccino. I know what you're thinking. But I don't care, it will be awesome.
Thanks for visiting and keep an eye on my twitter as I'll be posting a bunch of other cool stuff soon.